Religious Studies Learning Ambassadors complete four workshops at local Primary Schools

TEPCEC were pleased to be invited to three local primary schools over the past month to complete Interfaith Workshops with them – from Years 4 to 6.  Mr Shelton and Mr Anderson took some of our RS Learning Ambassadors as we visited Wolverham, Christchurch and Westminster Primary. During the workshop, pupils looked at artefacts from different world faiths, experienced meditation and took part in a Prayer Space while our ambassadors supported them in the work.  Feedback was so positive all of these have requested to do more workshops with us next term at the College. We are thrilled that other primary schools are requesting to work with us in 2019 as well!

In addition, Christchurch invited Mr Anderson, the school Chaplain back a couple of weeks later to do a values workshop with some of our Christian Value Representatives and Art Learning Ambassadors.  As part of this workshop every child in the school helped do a piece of artwork which is going on display in the school.