On Tuesday 12th February, the A Level Philosophy and Ethics group went to Manchester to experience a University style day exploring the theme of ‘Happiness’. 

Dr Peter Vardy

Ethical concepts like Utilitarianism were discussed and various perspectives on how humans and animals are similar and different, leading to a debate about Euthanasia being acceptable today.  From the perspective of Philosophy pupils revisited the Teleological argument as well as issues around Evil and Suffering. 

This conference introduced new Philosophers (like Peter Singer) to them and different approaches to addressing A Level questions (like Abduction (probability)). 

The day was led by Dr Peter Vardy, renowned Philosopher, Theologian and Author.  He was also the vice-principal of Heythrop College of the University of London. 

Mr Shelton, Head of Religious Studies said” “This was a hugely aspirational day where our students got to meet with other Sixth Form students from around the North.  This day challenged their preconceptions and reinforced the learning that had taken place in classroom.  There was much to take away and think about – this will be important to their final examinations.â€