In this current half-term Year 8 form groups took part in a Prayer Space activity on the theme of Hope. They were asked about the nature of hope and added their future hopes and dreams on cue cards or post-it-notes which were placed on the Year 8 Prayer Space wall. They were given opportunity to consider the necessity of hope not only here and now but for the future and then there would be an opportunity for prayer.  The Year 8 Prayer Space is currently on display in the Chapel.

This event is part of a rolling programme where Prayer Spaces are a vital part of the spiritual life of The Ellesmere Port Church of England College and these will be take place regularly where students and staff will be encouraged to consider and reflect upon key themes.

Mr Anderson, Chaplain at The Ellesmere Port Church of England College noted that, “Hope is a vital part of what makes us human and it was fascinating to explore different hopes and dreams given by Year 8 students not only for themselves but also how their hopes could be realised to make our world a better place for others.

Keane Powell from 8ELA stated, “It was a very calm and moving religious experience to take part in.”